Megan Parker Artist
Stories From The Trails: Marten’s Story
When a man is faced with a need to survive, his natural instincts are to create an event to survive. The longing for freedom, family and adventure comes from within. When a man can’t breathe, he will adapt, invent and overcome.
Riding electric mountain bikes, to me, is like a sense of absolute freedom. I was born with a disease called cystic fibrosis, where the world set limitations on what I was supposed to achieve and what I was supposed to do. But… when I’m mountain biking, it’s like I don’t have a disease. The world’s problems are gone. It’s just like a sense of freedom. You’re in this realm of a world where everything is just fun and exciting.”
I get the question ‘What’s it like to be an athlete with cystic fibrosis that mountain bikes?’
It’s tough. Each sport I do is physically demanding on the lungs so I have to push very hard. But the pain isn’t even close to relevant to what I gain from the sport.
I gain a sense of freedom.
A sense of being alive.
A sense of being normal.
So… Get out. Live life. We live life once, so it’s up to us to really grasp every day and live it to the fullest.