Megan Parker Artist
“Peaks and Valleys”
“Peaks and Valleys” - a series of 8x10 paintings on wood panels that represents the duality of living with chronic illness and highlighting how abilities can fluctuate. A project I undertook so I didn’t lose my mind or my mental health while my physical health took a hit.
When I first started sharing my art, I had zero intentions of opening up about my illnesses. But as it turns out, when the source of my inspiration is the active adventures I have in the mountains, and my chronic lung disease can sometimes threaten my ability to explore the mountains in the way I want to, I suppose it was inevitable that I’d start to ponder these themes and meaningful places a little deeper.
Each painting features a spot that we hiked to as a family this past summer, places that I wouldn’t have felt capable of accessing while I’ve been unwell - but serve as a reminder that I can do hard things and will again, just like I have after every past pulmonary exacerbation.
I kept the colours and details simple, which is symbolic because when you’re unwell like I’ve been, you’re stripped down to your basic needs - medicine, eating as well as you can, staying hydrated, resting an insane amount, and doing your best not to lose your sh*t in the process 😉. Plus I chose my two favourite shades of greens and blues simply because they bring me a lot of joy.
I left the wood panels exposed instead of painting the sky, which I suppose represents how exposed you feel when you have to admit you need the stronger meds, as much as you don’t want to.
McArthur Lake
Yukness Ledges
Temple from Skoki Approach
Larch Valley
Opabin Lake
Tre Cime
Chester lake
Elk Lakes
Sulzenauhutte View